Friday, February 3, 2017

Well, since my last post I actually gained a half pound and now I'm at 141 again. I got sick and couldn't run for a week. I thought I had a good week this week because I ran twice, walked once, and stayed under 1300 calories most of the week. But the scale doesn't lie. Hopefully next post will have better results!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Before pics

As promised, here's my "before" pictures. At 142# and diastasis recti, my belly looks worse than ever. My main goal is to flatten that tummy! This week I've biked once and ran twice (2 miles each run). I've been pretty good at sticking to my 1300 calories. I weighed in today at 140.5. That's down 1.5#. Not too bad!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

It's me again!

Okay, it's been 3 moves, 1 baby, and 3 years later and I'm going to get back in shape...again! Today I weighed in at 142# and my goal is 125#. I will post pics and measurements next week. I'm going to pretend that millions of women read my blog so I am accountable to someone.
 My new routine will be biking 30 minutes 3 days a week, with a baby trailer behind me, and daily consuming no more than 1300 calories. Wish me luck!
Here's a picture of me from 1 month ago.

Friday, August 30, 2013

I've reached my weight goal!

A few weeks ago I met my weight goal of 125#! Yay! I am NOT however done. I still need some serious toning before I consider myself "in shape". But here are my "in progress" pictures, just so I can see the difference since I've lost 15#. I've lost the weight by running 3-4x a week for 3 miles each as well as consuming a daily net calorie intake of no more than 1300 calories, recorded using myfitnesspal. Now I need to hit the weights and build some muscle!

Side view BEFORE
Side view AFTER


Just for fun

Sunday, June 2, 2013


The last 2 weeks I've been using my new Fitbit to track my calorie expenditures every day and I've been using myfitnesspal to track my calorie intake. I'm down to 128 as of this morning! Only 3 pounds to go! I should be able to lose the last 3 pounds by October! Yipee! Now I just need to work on toning....

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Not giving up

Even though I don't post every week anymore, I am still at it. I am down to 130lbs as of this morning and I hope to lose at least 5 more pounds before my 10th wedding anniversary in October. I tried on my wedding dress and I can get in it, but not comfortably so I think 5 more pounds would do the trick. I found a picture of Heidi and I from college about 10 years ago. We are so cute and full of life. Those were fun days. Here's the picture.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Only successful posts

First of all, great job Heidi! You are an inspiration to women!

Well, I haven't posted forever because I only want to report progress. I have hit a wall at 134# and I have maintained it for 3 weeks now. Then yesterday I finally got down a little more. I weigh 133.5 now. I know it's not much weight loss but I now have less than 10# to lose and those are the hardest! Short of starving myself, I don't think I can eat any fewer calories than I am now. It looks like I'm gonna have to increase the exercise. I'm up to a 5 mile run twice a week with P90X once in between. I also do abs 3x a week. I'm going to add push ups 3x a week and try to add another workout so I get cardio 4x a week instead of 3. Wish me luck!

Oh and today I tried on a pair of swim shorts that I haven't been able to get into for 4 years and they fit! Whoo hoo!